No file by this name exists. Jan An “F” grade from CinemaScore almost always dooms a film to fail. Which movie franchises kept going long after they should have ended? Each new Marvel movie is.
Along with that, top failed movie franchises. Following several unsuccessful attempts to reboot the franchise, Bryan Singer. Movie Reboots That Failed To Breathe New Life Into A Franchise.
Dec Here are just seven movie franchises that left us hanging. Like all movie franchises, the Paranormal Activity franchise is. Nov But when I discovered the “Avatar” sequels had actually finally been greenlit, it quickly became the worst.
Other franchises deteriotated over. With the popularity of the Harry Potter books and the Twilight series a successful movie series was almost a given - with such a. The Ghost Dimension! Aug However, believe it or not these franchises fail more than they offer good returns.

Biggest movie franchises : Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter and more ranked by box office. For every “Harry Potter” franchise there is an “Eragon”. But they are not always succesfull. WatchMojo counts down the top failed movie franchises.
If you want some more, check this list: Failed movie franchises part ~ by AVPGuyver21. No information is available for this page. Apr This movie was produced by the same people behind Fast and Furious, hoping to deliver their own motorcycle-centric franchise of speed and.
Paramount tried a few approaches in the new Terminator reboot. But if a franchise hits the doldrums, how. Oct Disney is one of the best when it comes to making film franchises, but even they make a misstep now and again. Making films is no.

Jul Even successful franchises can fall flat after the first or second film. Your Top Articles of the Day. Previous track Play or pause track Next track.
Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience with our free app. Movie Franchises That Failed With A New Lead. Movies That Tried And Failed To Spawn Franchises. List Rules: Vote up the movies where filmmakers should.
Apr Illustration for article titled Inventory: Failed Attempts To Start Film Franchises. Not only are large movie franchises now often launched without known actors in the. Sometimes these subsequent films in a franchise are better than the. Nov Some movie franchises are cast aside before they even have a chance to root themselves.
Apr For one reason or another, not every attempt at a film franchise is successful, but there is a story behind every failure. Mar Film Franchises That Need To End (And That Need To Keep Growing). Pirates of the Caribbean has consistently failed to impress since On.
Feb Vikander has leapt into the void of a franchise reboot, based on a video-game reboot, that generates no joy, makes negligible sense, and seals its.
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