What should I know before getting an SMSF? The superannuation law does not specifically state that SMSF assets must be held in the name of SMSF trustees however it is considered best practice that the. Superannuation Providers.
Unique superannuation identifier (USI). Your chosen fund details. SMSF funds are not issued a USI number, instead they use their ABN number as.
It can be used to determine abn, business name, address and status details. Under Name, start typing the fund name or USI then select from the list of funds. Find all the super -related forms and information you need here in downloadable format to make the most of your superannuation.

You may have lost super. Cbus ABN ( Fund ) For choice of fund and account consolidation. Total funds under management : $billion as at. Feb Further details relating to the Fund appear in the table below.