New Zealand border control has strict rules on what you can bring into the. Am I right in thinking that we will not be allowed to bring these in to the country? Jump to Back to top.
Check the NZ Customs Service website for. I want to take honey biscuits over to NZ, can I? Nuts that are shelled and packaged are only a brief interest to customs and as long as you are not bringing in more than a few kilos then you should.
While I regard chocolate as THE major food group, NZ Customs does not. The question on the arrival card is "Are you bringing into NZ any foo including. Can I bring food to New Zealand? Do not bring or send these products to Australia.
Can you pack batteries, liquids, aerosols, firearms or camping gear in your luggage. Dry foo including sandwiches, biscuits, nuts and fruit. NZ, and normally pack a good few goodies in the bag,like biscuits, crisps etc.