Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Burst meaning

I hate it when balloons burst. Suddenly the door burst open (= opened suddenly and forcefully). How to use burst in a sentence. As a verb, burst is your go-to action word to describe something sudden and energetic happening.

It usually means, "to explode outwar with noise" like if you. Break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure. More example sentences.

A series of shots fired from an automatic firearm. This is more of an informal way of speaking. This simply means that the speaker. An example of a burst is a baby.

Definition of burst in the Definitions. Information and translations of burst in the most comprehensive. Oil burst to the surface. He burst through the doorway.

The words burst from her in an angry rush. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology. If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out. The driver lost control when.

Dictionary entry details. Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions. Meaning : The act of exploding or bursting. A set of bits, bytes or characters grouped together for transmission.

An intermittent asynchronous transmission of a specific amount of data. Verb: burst ( burst ) burst. Synonyms: explosion, burst. Usage: the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children.

Very eager (to do something). I was bursting to tell him the secret. Urgently needing to urinate. Can you tell me where the toilets are. This page includes pronunciation, urdu meanings and examples. The sun burst into view ‎: ‎ اچانک. In the example above, the wife is overwhelmed with a strong feeling of pride. Aug In this article, you will understand different concepts to control your API traffic, such as API quota, API throttling, rate limiting and burst.

Burst with”: idiom meaning. Gujarati: ધડાકા સાથે ફૂટવું. The mean duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the burst periods that have occurred since the beginning of reception. Related Phrase, Idioms or a. Example sentences with " burst duration".

Nearby Words: bur burble burbling burbot burden burden of proof. Mar Euphoria: When euphoria hits and asset prices skyrocket, caution is thrown out the window.

Profit taking: Figuring out when the bubble will burst. What does burst mode photography actually mean ?

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